Unexpected Pet Death
The unexpected death of a pet at home is a traumatic event for the whole family.
Here are some helpful tips to get you through the first few moments of discovery.
Confirm your suspicions by checking for breathing and a pulse.
Control Leakage
As muscles relax the body will likely release fluids. If your pet is not already on a blanket then place a blanket or towels under their tail and mouth. Place plastic underneath. Avoid placing your pet directly on plastic without an absorbant layer.
Depending on how quickly your final arrangement plans take action you may want to consider the interim plans for your pet. Larger pets can be difficult to move after 3-4 hours when the body stiffens. Place your pet on their side. If their legs are stretched out, gently fold them closer to the body. Wrap a towel or blanket tightly around their body. Twice around is ideal. Place your pet in a box or container that will distirbute the weight when you lift them. Move them to a cool dry place with a hard floor. Ideally the location will be convenient for the next stage of their journey.

If your pet passes in the night time, following these suggestions and waiting until morning is reasonable. Deceased pets will begin to smell from decomposition. The timing depends on their size and the temperature and humidity conditions. Odors from the release of bodily fluids can occur any time after death.
Other Pets
By allowing your other pets to sniff their companion’s body, it will help them to acknowledge what happened.
Saying Goodbye
These last moments while your pet is still in your care can be the most heart breaking. Consider others who may want the chance to say good bye in person. Lean on friends and family to help you through this emotional time.
Making Arrangements
If you decide that a water cremation is right for your pet, we are available for pick up or receipt at our facility. Call to make arrangements.